
I see a lot of tutorials everyday showing lists of a certain category such as social networking lists or directory lists, I have yet to see a list of various forms of websites that can help you promote your business. So today I have decided to write a post with a list of different websites that can help you promote your site.
So without further ado here is the list:

Article Submission Sites

The concept is simple, write an article that has something to do with your line of work, submit it to article submission sites and include a link back to you at the bottom and/or in the content itself. The bad news for a lot of people is that in order for you to get any visits at all from this technique your article must be quality content, it can not just be some spammy sales pitch that you come up with. In other words, it cannot look like an advertisement. People don’t go to article submission sites to read a sales pitch, they go their to read quality content. If that is what you are offering then you have a winner. My advice would be that if you are not a good writer then hire someone to write it for you. Their are plenty of sites on the internet where you can find SEO content writers. But for now here is the list of some article submission sites for you to submit to:
I will also be writing a list by Tuesday with every article submission site listed in it.

Commenting on Blogs

Commenting on other people blogs are also a very good way to get traffic into your site. The good thing about commenting is that it does various thing, first it gives you a link (9 times out of 10 a No-Follow but thats alright) unless you search for blogs without the no-follow attribute, second it shows that you are taking an active role in your community thus people will click your link to see what you are all about, the third and most important thing is that  it gives other bloggers (particularly the site owner) a chance to see your site and maybe either commenting back on your blog or giving you a link on their blogroll.
Also look for bloggers who display the “Top Commentators” widget on their sidebar. If the number is low enough on their top commentators then chances are, with a couple of good comments you can get on that list which in most cases gives you a Do-Follow sitewide link back to your site. We offer this widget for our top commentators, if you check on our sidebar you can see it along with the people who are on there.

Coupon Sites

Coupon websites are a great way to promote e-commerce sites. One site in particular that I work with gets about 15-20 hits a day off of various coupon sites. That site also makes at least 1 sale a day off of those 15-20 hits. That is a 5% conversion rate which is excellent. I am just sad that these sites can’t bring in more visitors. I have been optimizing and creating coupons for these sites for a while now with my goal being to have at least 50 hits a day by March of 2009.
I would strongly recommend making up coupons and passing them off to the various coupon/deal sites. Here is a list of coupon sites to get you started:

Directory Submission

Directories are a great way to gain backlinks for free. They are easy to submit to and if you have a decent site it is very easy to get approved. There are also auto submitter programs such as Fast Directory Submitter that can submit you to directories quicker, just make sure to be very careful and to keep switching your title tagsdirectory services, but for now here is a list to help you get started. after every couple of posts. I will make sure to put together a bigger list tomorrow of

Feed Directories

Feed directories and similar services are another great way to promote your site. A lot of people think that the only reason that they should have a feed is for a blog, on the contrary feeds are a great source of traffic for everything from forums to ecommerce sites. There are plenty of examples of feeds that have been put to great use for products such as newegg.com check out thier RSS feed.
I have included a list of different feed services so that you may explore you opportunities:

Forum Posting

Forums are a great focal point to post your links in. Unfortuantely I am not going to post a list of forums being as though forums are very targeted. It is not hard to find forums though. Simply go to Google and type in “your keyword” forum, just add your keyword where “your keyword” is in th example. Forums however are a different approach than every other example thus far. In order to get traffic in forums you must go into the signature link and add your links. Now the way to get traffic is to reply and start threads often (DO NOT SPAM THE FORUM REPLY WITH MEANINGFUL REPLIES, ACTUALLY PARTICIPATE). When you do this you will get known throughout that forum and people will then start to click through on your links. Just remember the more you participate, the more links you will have so that people can click through.

Social Bookmarking

I have already posted a list of social bookmarks which you can find in the post labeled “List of Social Bookmarking Sites”. Social bookmarks are also good for numerous reasons. First off other people post top bookmarks on their site. For example When we wrote the post Huge List of 250 Social Media Sites we gained about 18 links back off of delicious.com. The links didn’t come in to us directly off of delicious but other people posted these bookmarks on their site. Also if you get really popular and enough people bookmark you, your site will tick over with traffic from certain social bookmarking sites like StumbleUpon. One time on my old blog I woke up it was about 9:00am and noticed that the site had gotten 700 or so hits from StumbleUpon, how this happened was that I submitted one of my posts and a bunch of people found it interesting and Favorited it, thus leading to a ton of traffic. The bottom line is, submit your posts to StumbleUpon and the other bookmarking sites every time you post. IT IS WELL WORTH IT.

Social Media Sites

The web is heading down the path of social media and unfortunately if you are not on the bandwagon you are gonna get left behind. You should try to submit your posts to as many relevant social media sites as possible. One warning, do not submit crap work to these sites. Your site and posts must be quality or they will never see the light of day. Another bad thing about submitting crap work is that if you submit enough of it to certain sites your domain will be banned FOREVER. Digg.com has a spam rule, it works something like this:
“When submitted stories are consistently reported as spam and users complain via our feedback email about submission spam, we ban the domain. The domain will not be unbanned. The domain would consistently get reported as spam otherwise. Please review our FAQ (digg.com/faq) for more information.”
This was a post that was written by John Chow and the above is the reply that he got from Digg when trying to get re-included after getting banned. So the moral of the story is, do not submit crap. If your stories are newsworthy then submit all of the stories that you want. Also the submitting crap rule does not only apply to Digg. You should never submit crap being as though it is a waste of time if no one is going to read it and trust me no one reads crap, everyone wants quality.
BTW here is the link again to the List of Social Media Sites
Remember if you submit quality you will get some really good benefits from it. Take a look at the link to list of social media sites, look at how many times that was re tweeted, the reason people re tweeted it is because they thought it was very helpful so they wanted to pass it on. If you create something similar in usefulness and quality, it is bound to be re tweeted a bunch of times, leading to a ton of visits.

Video Sharing Sites

If you have videos on your blog an excellent source of traffic are video sharing sites. My recommendation would be, if you are running a video blog, think up a strategy to make a viral video. Remember it doesn’t take a million dollars to make a viral video it just takes creativity. Here are some really good resources to help teach you the art of making a viral video:
How To Make a Video Go Viral by technobabble 2 dot 0
How To Make a Viral Video 101 by the Minnesota Interactive Marketing Association
These should be a good place to get started in making your video go viral and here is a list of video sharing sites in order to help you submit your viral video:
http://www.myvidster.com (Social Bookmarking for Videos)
Now the methods that I posted were just some free methods out of 1000’s. The focus of this guide was to get you guys/girls started out. Use your imagination, find different ways to promote your site and if you believe in your site it will grow into something of greatness. Remember, your imagination is more powerful than all of the money in the world.

by. graphicseo.org

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  1. Chriz  

    November 22, 2010 at 11:18 AM


  2. Chriz  

    November 22, 2010 at 11:37 AM

    Semoga Bermanfaat buat teman2..;)

  3. viswa  

    November 18, 2015 at 4:37 PM

    Excellent Stuff,really helpful,thanks for your effort to put here,really so much thanks...

  4. Savita Kumari  

    September 2, 2018 at 1:00 AM

  5. Tony Stark  

    March 28, 2019 at 3:01 PM

  6. Itachi Uchicha  

    May 7, 2020 at 7:39 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.
  7. Itachi Uchicha  

    May 7, 2020 at 7:54 PM

  8. Tazi Phillips  

    April 8, 2021 at 6:31 PM

    "Here are my top 5 favorite sites for coupons, cash back, and overall online deals.
    These money saving websites can help you in saving money on your online purchases.

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